Any at 1 1/2 month old
Stylish Sadie - LTE $7582.84 NCHA and 18.5 points in Open
Playin Stylish (Docs Stylish Oak x Playboys Mom (Freckles Palyboy)
x Little Peppy Polka (Peppy San Badger x Polka Doc (Dry Doc)
Sharp Dressed Shiner - LTE $18,930.11 (Full brother $45,807) OE over $30.000 in NRHA and $10.000 in NRCHA
Shining Spark (Genuine Doc x Diamonds Sparkle (Mr Diamond Dude)
x Smartly Dressed (Smart Little Lena x Taris Vintage (Doc Tari)
Full sibling in reining in Germany - ready to be shown : Little Stylish Dress
Color-Panel 5:
Color : Palomino (ee Aa nCR)
Panel 6 : n/n except n/herda & n/imm
Ce mariage allie de grosses lignées de reining avec de grosses lignées de cutting. On trouve également des chevaux performants en reined cow horse. Full Sister is currently in reining training, big stopper on track for futurity - was DQHA 84,81%
Price: on demand - Includes AQHA pedigree , passport, up to date vaccination/dewormer/farrier. Avaible after winter for a new home. 1x, xxx € - NRHA nominations can be included (euro + germany)